Monday, 27 April 2015

The bright sight

It is 100% normal to feel sad, unsatisfied or angry at something that doesn't goes as planned. I also have those feelings at least twice a week and people will probably say something like "Look on the bright sight!". Well I used to think that quote is nothing but words because most of the time there is no bright side.

I have been thinking and finally know that being sad or angry is a complete waste of time. Looking on the bright sight surely doesn't change your current situation but it will make you better in some ways. I used to miss the bright sight by expecting  something 180 degrees from the event that caused your sadness or anger but I learned that sometimes it is the simplest and little things that made us happy that day.

Not too long ago, I went to on a trip approximately 200 km away from my house and it took me four hours to get there even though I woke up at four in the morning. Traffic sucks but the bright side, on my case, is looking and enjoying the views that I usually passed with my high speed car. Even if it is only a tree or wild flowers, I enjoyed every single second of it. I was angry because it is taking forever and usually it's only one and a half journey. My car is basically going on a speed of 50 kmph but again I felt happy even if it is caused by the simplest thing.

So, I know that sometimes it is hard to look on the bright sight of every single bad situations (because most of the time it is not as simple as being stuck in traffic) you are having but you should always remember to look towards the light because shadows will always fall behind you J 

I hope you have a great start of the week!

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Toy Story

Hi everybody it's Mickey Mouse! LOL
First of all sorry for the lame intro hahaha I just have to type that because it is the first thing that popped in my head. Okay so today I wanted to talk about Toy Story. If you don't know because you are living in a desert or something, Toy Story is an animated Disney movies which I enjoyed watching when I was little.

So I know most of you probably love this movie but if you know me, you know that I think too much and I did think too much after watching this movie as a kid. I enjoy watching it until now but back then but a part of me is terrified after watching the scene where Woody (the cowboy doll) scares Sid (Andy's mean neighbor). The first time watching it, I was like "He is mean! he deserves that" but after watching it again as when I was eight or so, I am terrified.

Well around that age, I rarely play with my dolls and I have a bunch of them. I am so scared that all of that doll is going to attack me while I was sleeping. And they did (in my nightmares of course hahaha) which scared me even more! Plus I didn't remember who actually came up with this idea but me and my cousin ended up watching the scariest thing ever after watching toy story. Guess what? I watched the Chucky doll movie. It was on marathon and we watched it.

So from that day I kiss each of my dolls good night for months. Then I got lazy (typical Mich) and said "Good night every one" instead. And I got over it after a year or so after I watched Chucky. In conclusion, do not let your children watch Chucky under the age of twelve after watching Toy Story. Trust me. It ain't fun.

Image Source:

Friday, 17 April 2015


For all of my female readers out there, I present you the PMS ice cream that I know you need.

Honestly, I know that some girls who don't crave or be overly sensitive before having their period but it is super cute idea and cute packaging. I love the design and the name for each flavor (I want the strawberry one so bad). And zoom in the picture bellow to see the cute details of the jars.

This PMS ice cream is created by Parker Jones, a college student in Oklahoma. She is actually a design student who got a suggestion from her professor to make a ice cream package and from there the PMS ice cream was born! 

So I'm sorry to say that these ice cream is not on stores ladies but don't frown because you'll never know if she will be teaming up with Haagen Dazs or Ben&Jerry's. I'm just curios will she make another ice cream package for the broken hearted? (just saying)

Image Source:

Thursday, 16 April 2015

A Letter

Hey you!

The final exam is finally over! I am so glad that it went well because if you didn't know already I work my ass off for it. I study study and guess what? study on my holidays.

Well starting this day, I will not have any classes in school and will be back next month for my graduation. Yep my graduation from high school! I am really happy that my stress and pressure is somehow lifted. *sigh* I still remember my first day just like it was yesterday.

My first day was fun, I was super duper excited going to school wearing my uniforms and all that, seeing my friends, meeting new friends from different schools, seeing friends from my elementary school after separated for years, entering my new class and seeing my new....everything. I love them all.

I love all of the memories sitting and enjoying classes in the tenth grade. And spending my Saturdays dressing up for a sweet seventeenth birthday parties or dinners. I remember the stressful days where we have too many test and assignments even on the holiday. The days where we all curse and asking the world "why the heck people say that high school is the best years of your lives?!" or desperately joking that we would actually prefer to get married (although we were all single) instead of studying LOL.

And then my senior year, we all seems to have our own path.  Having our own goals and dreams which is getting much more closer. Many of us entering various preparation courses to enter the university of our dreams. I remember those days we spent applying to the university, creating our personal statements, having the entrance test and anxiously waiting for the result.  Then came our tests, practical exam and our final school exam. We were studying even harder to graduate. Even tough we are super fed up with our try outs and exercises, we still did it anyway.

Finally our last duty in as a senior high school student, the national exam. Three years in studying is suddenly examined by a test which consist 40-50 numbers. Three years and 40 numbers. Wow. Afraid? Heck yeah. Now it is finally over.

After years stressing, studying, joking around and laughing in the same school, the same halls, the same classes and that same friends that grow more and more over the years, I can finally say that high school is and always will be one of the best years of my life. And for that I also say thank you for being a part of my high school days.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Smart Tech

Smart phone has been a big part of everyone's life. But now I think all of you probably know there are more smart gadgets emerging within the past decade and smart phone is only the beginning. Today I want to share smart gadget that some people probably didn't know before so no, I am not going to talk about the Apple's smart watch.

The first one on my list is a smart suitcase! So there is a tech company called bluesmart who invented this fist ever smart luggage which is going to be released in October. I found out about this from a youtuber Sonia Gil in her channel Soniastravels which is filled with travel tips that helped me so much when I am traveling around.

Okay what is so smart about this suitcase? well it has cool features such as :

 Digital lock
Digital locks are great because nobody can't mess around with your stuff. And bluesmart have an app connected to your luggage so you can lock and unlock them from the app.

 Battery charger
This smart luggage is not only used for keeping your clothes but also charge your phone and other gadget which is cool because everybody know that not every airports have enough charging stations and you can't have your phone with a low battery since you are carrying a luggage with an app connected to it and accessed by your phone. So well thought bluesmart! (Oh I forgot to mention that this post is not a commercial thing where I get paid etc, so I just posted this because I want to share the awesomeness of this luggage)

 Location tracking 
Location tracking is very useful in my opinion because I know there are some unlucky people out there who experienced losing a luggage which sucks so worry no more you can track them and catch the culprit I guess.

 Built in scale
Over packing is a huge problem because you have to pay more just for packing too much clothing. I think this feature is very useful especially when you are packing for your journey back home because when you are packing at home before your trip you could easily scale them with your scale but not every hotel has a scale laying around and you don't want to scale them in the airport right?

 Proximity alerts
Another cool feature is a proximity alerts, so the app can give you a reminder or alerts if your luggage is to far from you. Pretty cool huh?

It is not released yet but I love them already! I didn't know many details about it but here's the promotional video

The second smart tech I want to share is a smart pen by  another company called Livescribe. No it's not a stylus but it is a pen connected your iPad or other gadget such as laptops. Like the luggage I have mention this pen is also connected to your iPad with an app which is always great. It is just like a regular pen where you can use them on paper but what ever you scribble and writes will be transfered digitally in the app. I just knew the existence of this product few days ago but it is apparently been here since 2008! And today we have the third edition which is crazy for me because I never heard of them!

Okay so basically, if you purchased this pen, you will also get a notebook where you could write on. I don't really know about this but I guess you can transfer your writings if you write on this special notebook they give. I think this is kind of a disadvantage for this pen because you have to buy a special book (and special ink cartridge apparently). BUT I think it is also a good thing because the book also have some cool feature, they have buttons on the bottom (it is not a three-dimensional button but more like a printed picture) that you can tap with your pen to record what the teachers are saying which is pretty cool to have and really helpful for studying.

I think this smart pen is great because from a student perspective it is a great learning experience. And I would love to convert my writings into text and then copy them in the lecture power point or a soft copy from a teacher also insert the audio of the explanation. I think it is a really great way to study. Enough for now, I actually have more but this is a long post already hehehe. Okay, I hope you have a lovely day! And happy April!
