Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Hello my little fishes!
So I was searching on the internet for some picture to make my blog more…presentable hahaha. And I stumbled upon some interesting butterfly pictures.
I finally realized how connected my blog url with my content well at least I think so). I have blogged about what is the meaning and the back story of my url name. And it seems that papilio-plexippus is just a name that means butterfly but don’t really connected with the content of my blog.

So now I can say that it is now connected because first of all…

Hahaha kidding. But seriously…

So here’s a mainstream picture…

Well in this picture above show that a butterfly realsed from a jar, which is like my thoughts released to the wonderful world called the internet. And papilio-plexippus itself has a meaning of  monarch butterflies which is a type of butterfly that I like the most!

And I love this quote which is a plus

So my url name is not meaningless at all now. All because of a mainstream picture hahaha. Thank you tumblr!

Image Source:


It is the end of 2014 and this is a rare year for me because I don’t have a crush (except my celebrity crush duh hahaha). And I have been thinking about my middle school version of me (yes. middle school. the weirdest stage of every teen), and all of the stupid things I do when I had a crush.

Note : not all of this is my experience but it have been experience by some people I know and I understand if it is  not relatable for some of you. Also I don’t mock you or anything by doing some of this (keep in mind that I also did most of them and I will probably do it when I have a crush again).

Okay let’s start… The stupid things we do when we have a crush:
- Stalking his/her social medias
- Being obvious
- Being somebody but yourself when with him/her
- Continuously thinking about your looks, his/her opinions and  
  lost focus for the important stuffs
- Awkward chat (in person or social medias)
- Awkwardly starting the conversation
- Cry when our crush got a gf/bf
- Hate whoever he/she date (or dated)
- Going to a certain place in a particular time to see him
- Smiling back……awkwardly while blushing
- Being nervous
-  Very sensitive to his/her movements
- Try to fix your hair, clothes and stuff when you see him/her
- The urge to say hi but you cowardly walks away
-  Write his/her name in our diary (possibly got leaked…which
  happened to me once…and I never write a diary ever again)
- Accidents while cyberstalking your crush (example of stupidity:
  accidently like an old instragram photo)

Okay maybe this is a list that is more relatable for girls but I think some guys will relate to it. I’ll add more to this list when something popped up hahaha.

Bye fishes


I always wonder why do we always call our friends “guys”? why?

I mean you can use “gals” too but why is “guys” more universal and neutral to be used for both guys and girls. It doesn’t make any sense. I know that it is okay to say “guys” to girls but the question is why?

I am very curious but yet haven’t found the answer (sadly). And I think it is too mainstream to call my blog readers (if existed) guys
(which I did). So I decided to create a name for you guys (see I did again!). Here it goes……it is……“fishes” LOL. Because I don’t want to call you guys or gals, it is boring and fishes is kind of similar to the b word which I can’t use since this blog is for my grade’s sake.

Oh and I had an idea to do something to my template and made the feed the fish thing (that you can find it in many blogs) as my background. Isn’t it cool? It’s like you are swimming in my thoughts hahaha get it?
Oh well I am weird. I admit. But hey it is kind of cute don’t you think? Okay, I’ll post soon!

Bye fishes!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Greed and ego

Hey guys, today I’m going to blog about something pretty interesting and kind of serious. Well actually, I got inspired from a recent event at my school but it doesn’t involved school. Okay. On that event we were told to set up our goal for a better future. We have to think about our goal that will made this place a better place for people in the world.

And it clicked me…we does it always for other people or human in general. I don’t like it. I mean why many people care about other people (I don’t have anything against it and I do wanted to stop world hunger etc) and care less about wild and nature.

I think human beings are so greedy and selfish (Oh before you say anything you must know that I’m a human too and I’m not judging, I’m just stating the facts). We rarely care about anything than ourselves. Come on admit that…

Many of us do things that are bad for the environment and we are fully aware of it but we still did it anyways. I hate that. I can’t stand it even if it was my family or friends who did it.

I don’t understand why this topic is rarely being spoken (at least in my area it is rarely mentioned). Well there are signs like “Do not throw trash here” and something like that but it doesn’t help. But we can’t control it. The authorities, if they even considered this as a big issue, can’t monitor and punish the wrongdoers. So the only way is to control ourselves and this is hard because of the fact that we are aware that it is wrong, I’m sure we are, but we kept on doing it.

So people please control yourselves there are many damage that us, humans, caused. And if you don’t know I would probably post it in another blog post.

Monday, 22 December 2014

Motivate yourself

As I promised, I wanted to give you motivational words to be kept in your mind when you study because it is more important than you think. I divided each one of them into categories. If you are studying something…


“The sooner you start, the sooner you finish and you can *add an  activity*”
(This one is actually applicable to every category)

 You hate
“I will defeat you!”

 Too hard

“I will defeat you!” - by far my favorite and the most effective for me

 Important to your future

“You must be a *add your future profession*”
“You got this cause I am a *add your future profession*”
I don’t really have a motivation word for this category because those words could be stressful and add more pressure to the fact that it’s really important to your future so my tip is that when you are already accepted in a college or university to reach your dream just say like
“You have been excepted to *add university/college* which is a prove that you got this”

 You don't understand

“I can do this”
“I will defeat you!”

 Where the teacher is a real genius and his/her question are deadly or too hard

“I will conquer this”
“I will make him/her begging for my awsomeness”

 Where the teacher is your worst nightmare

“He/she will pay"
“I will make him/her begging for my awsomeness”

That’s it I know that it is only a few but it’s because of the lack of my creativity right now. I can’t think more of it but I’ll surely update it if something pops up. Enough for now, bye J

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Study Tips

Speaking of report cards I got an idea of giving you guys tips and tricks to ace a test for the next semester and believe me it won't be some lecture about study days before the test day ‘cause everyone know that’s bull but sometimes work for certain people. But we all (yes even the perfect ones) have experience those times when you can't study sooner than the day before the test takes place. That’s why I wanted to share my study tips J

     1. Don’t stress or panic

Every time I have a busy week full of assignments, project, not to mention the tests I tend to have stress. Yup, it’s normal indeed because tests are really important to graduate but we don’t have enough time to study because we have so many other things to do. This is not an unusual problem, every body encounters it, and it’s normal too be stressed out but don’t be because from previous experiences, stress made it worst. Trust me, I have had stress up to the point where I cry (a lot) and it was a completely waste of time. So my suggestion is to do it with a smile on your face and stay chill. Have some snacks and drinks you love to accompany you with that cursed subject / assignment. But keep being healthy guys! You don’t want to gain some weights (which I tend to do but I usually exercise after exam week or that busy week)

     2. Motivate your self

Studying sometimes is really boring and I usually got lazy because I wanted to do things other that that (well…80% of studying is boring so can’t really blame myself). But I always motivate my self like saying things in my mind such as “If you study now you will be done at 10 and you will have enough sleep”. I got plenty of those in my brain but I think I’ll have it in another post. (Oh and do not motivate yourself with words like “I must ace this test or else I won't be a doctor” because that only made you stressed out)

     3. Take breaks (but not too much)

Don’t forget to take breaks! And don’t make this tip as an excuse lazy people! Hahahaha
But seriously, breaks are really important! You can not studying like 6 hours non stop and I know some people who does that so don’t go like “Oh who does that?!” well they unimaginably exist! So yeah take breaks like have a snack or a tea break for you girly girls out there.
My mistakes during break time is to filled it by watching youtube videos and we all know what happens when we watch youtube……I simply unaware of the time and possibly ended up with a cat video or something random like that. Second mistake is to take short nap, which sometime I overslept and woke up just 2 hours before school. But if you want to take nap take it as long as you have nice alarm clocks (yes it is plural because one is not enough people) or you have somebody near you to wake you up and who can wake you up. Trust me that person can’t be blame so choose them wisely. From past experience, that unwisely chosen person ended up sleeping too.

     4. Have enough rest

Well I think you all know the importance of taking an enough rest before a test because it helps you to focus more and stuff but if you really struggling with your studies, at least sleep for an hour or two. Or set up your minimal amount of sleep because the only one know your sleeping habits is yourself. For me, I need at least a four-hour sleep (if I have less than that I could overslept and probably ends up late to school) and I have to wake up at five (Don’t be panic of this my school starts at seven and it is not weird to wake up at five) so I have to be in my bed one or sooner.
But guys you really need eight hour of sleep so don’t do this too often and when you don’t have other choice, you probably ended up like me which is sleepy in class and have a “hibernation” at weekends.

Okay then see you next time J

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Doesn't really matter.

Hey! Guess what? Today is report card day!

Well for you guys out there with a not-so-impressive score, don't worry too much because those score doesn't really matter really. Well sure it's very important because you need to pass and move on to the next high school, college, university or whatever. But seriously it doesn't really matter. Before I say anything else, I wanted to say that this is not an excuse to be lazy and quit studying! You still need to study and give the best that you can because if you are lazy and all you might fail and have to go through everything again for one year. Don't you think 4 years of high school is not enough?

Okay enough with that...Now, why I'm saying that it doesn't really matter?
First of all it is important to go to the next level as I mentioned, but when you are in the next level does it even matter anymore? For example, when you are in high school, does your elementary school report card important to attend university? In most cases  they only ask for your high school report card or simply (Gosh, I can't imagine a university or college who ask an elementary report card!). And another example, when you are applying for a job like...I don't know a business woman probably, they won't asked for your report card won't they? (well I'm not sure about this since I have never applied for a job) Why? because if you passed high school you obviously passed middle school and elementary school right? that's why they rarely ask for it. 

So know what does matter than? what's matter is that you have given your best and you should know that many successful people were in your position. I'm sure you know some examples of those people.

Well I hope you guys keep moving forward and not feeling down as I used to feel when I have bad report cards. 

Friday, 19 December 2014


I don’t know how to put this but I don’t get the concept of being fake. I know what it means and how negative it is. But I think everyone is fake. I mean people say that to someone who are basically faking (hahaha no **it Sherlock). But think about it, no one is not fake! We all have been fake. For example what do you say to a cute little girl when she asked about her ugly drawing that looks like **it? You must said something like “ Aww how cute” (unless you don’t have a heart). Or another example like talking to your annoying cousin, wearing a hideous dress your aunt bought for you to her birthday party, be humble when you get a perfect score even though you wanted to show it to your nemesis and dance, smile at your class’s biatch, etc etc (this example are not my personal experiences because I fake on worst conditions hahaha).

What I don’t get is that why people assume that it is a really bad thing and only certain people (like cliques or popular girls) does it? I also think that it is not a bad thing really, sometimes you gotta fake it. I mean you can’t always be all out. There is good and bad for a reason. I see “being fake” as being more polite and shows how well behaved we are. The problem is that are you going to keep the other side or the true side of that to your self or spreading it to other people.

In my opinion, being fake is okay but what is not okay is to talk behind the person’s back and not keeping it to your self. For example, a classmate ask you about her dress that she obviously like because she wears it to the dance, with that situation you at least say like “Oh it fits well on you” (or you can be mean to) which is more polite that saying that it is ugly and you hate the color the cheap fabric. The right way is to keep your opinion to your self and the wrong way is like saying this to your friend “Look at her dress, the color is so dull and the fabric is totally cheap! I can’t believe she wear that tonight” (hahaha basically a line that you see in movies by some random popular girl).

So in conclusion, I think being fake is being more polite to someone despite your honest feeling, opinion, etc. And it is not that bad if you keep the honest feeling or opinion to your self. I hope you guys, my lovely readers (if you even existed), have a great Christmas gathering with your family ;) !

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Hi! I'm Mich
This is a blog for my school's assignment. I have a bad feeling about the content of this because my brain is always filled up with random things so I present "blog"

Problems while making this "wonderful" blog

  1. Blog URL and title
It was hard for me to decide what URL name should I use because there are many things that should be cool enough to be the URL but somebody has taken them (I don’t know why but all of those names, that were taken, doesn’t have a content related to the name or a content at all which sucks because I could use it and make my blog seem more awesome). And I don’t want to pick a name that is weird or anything because sooner or later my teacher and friends will see this ._. Which leads to another problem…I don’t know why but I am a kind of person who takes other people’s opinion and what they say seriously (I tried to be more chill but it just stick to my mind all day until I rant to someone about my opinions about the other person’s opinion)

So every time I want to make the blog template etc etc. I got stuck on the name and I can not start making my blog if I don’t have a URL right? And even if I choose a random name to start of I will change it like every second. Then I just don’t care what people think anymore and type my desired blog URL but unfortunately somebody has taken them (damn it). So I got a brilliant (well not so much) idea! Since I’m a bionerd, I will choose a scientific name of a species that I like as my URL name. But blogger just decided to make things harder because people has taken my favorite names and the available ones sucks. But a miracle happened because my current url was available hahaha take that!

  1. Template
Template is still a big problem since I haven’t finished it and this is how my teacher score my blog or at least I think so

  1. Content
Like I said before, I don’t like how people use awesome url names but doesn’t have a content related to it that is why after I picked the name, I think of the content and my url was a latin name for butterfly (monarch butterfly to be exact) but I just can’t talk or give a whole blog dedicated to butterflies and I’m not that interested to butterflies as much as you think. And butterflies somehow seemed too girly and cute which I don’t want my blog to be (hey it is an assignment but I still have to put my heart in it). So in conclusion I will be a blogger who I don’t like because of using an awesome name (in my opinion) but the content sucks #sorrynotsorry.

Oh and as I mention before, I have to put my heart in this so I will post my thoughts and random stuff probably. I was intended to make a blog dedicated to gastronomy and crafting which I’m interested in but some people think that it is boring (not that it will be read by many people which is kind of sad but I don’t really care) and gastronomy don’t have a lot to talk about anyways.

  1. Grammar
To be honest, as you may have realized, I am not a native English speaker but I decided to post with English (kind of regret it) so mind my grammar errors.  It is not a part of the my assignment score anyways.

So yeah I will be posting soon because I wanted to fill up this blog with lots of content to create the illusion that I really work hard for this blog hahaha because I have no I idea what is the score based of.  Okay by lovely people who is kind enough to read this short post (HAH! IMAGINE HOW CRAMPED MY BRAIN IS WITH THOUGHTS LIKE THIS!)
Okay…bye (?)