Saturday, 20 December 2014

Doesn't really matter.

Hey! Guess what? Today is report card day!

Well for you guys out there with a not-so-impressive score, don't worry too much because those score doesn't really matter really. Well sure it's very important because you need to pass and move on to the next high school, college, university or whatever. But seriously it doesn't really matter. Before I say anything else, I wanted to say that this is not an excuse to be lazy and quit studying! You still need to study and give the best that you can because if you are lazy and all you might fail and have to go through everything again for one year. Don't you think 4 years of high school is not enough?

Okay enough with that...Now, why I'm saying that it doesn't really matter?
First of all it is important to go to the next level as I mentioned, but when you are in the next level does it even matter anymore? For example, when you are in high school, does your elementary school report card important to attend university? In most cases  they only ask for your high school report card or simply (Gosh, I can't imagine a university or college who ask an elementary report card!). And another example, when you are applying for a job like...I don't know a business woman probably, they won't asked for your report card won't they? (well I'm not sure about this since I have never applied for a job) Why? because if you passed high school you obviously passed middle school and elementary school right? that's why they rarely ask for it. 

So know what does matter than? what's matter is that you have given your best and you should know that many successful people were in your position. I'm sure you know some examples of those people.

Well I hope you guys keep moving forward and not feeling down as I used to feel when I have bad report cards.