Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Greed and ego

Hey guys, today I’m going to blog about something pretty interesting and kind of serious. Well actually, I got inspired from a recent event at my school but it doesn’t involved school. Okay. On that event we were told to set up our goal for a better future. We have to think about our goal that will made this place a better place for people in the world.

And it clicked me…we does it always for other people or human in general. I don’t like it. I mean why many people care about other people (I don’t have anything against it and I do wanted to stop world hunger etc) and care less about wild and nature.

I think human beings are so greedy and selfish (Oh before you say anything you must know that I’m a human too and I’m not judging, I’m just stating the facts). We rarely care about anything than ourselves. Come on admit that…

Many of us do things that are bad for the environment and we are fully aware of it but we still did it anyways. I hate that. I can’t stand it even if it was my family or friends who did it.

I don’t understand why this topic is rarely being spoken (at least in my area it is rarely mentioned). Well there are signs like “Do not throw trash here” and something like that but it doesn’t help. But we can’t control it. The authorities, if they even considered this as a big issue, can’t monitor and punish the wrongdoers. So the only way is to control ourselves and this is hard because of the fact that we are aware that it is wrong, I’m sure we are, but we kept on doing it.

So people please control yourselves there are many damage that us, humans, caused. And if you don’t know I would probably post it in another blog post.